Add Snapshot Values to Metric Formulas

Use snapshot values in metrics to access field values from prior or subsequent periods. You can use the SNAP function in activity, work package, control account, and calculated field metric formulas.

To add the SNAP function to a metric formula:

  1. In the metric formula box, add Snap(+/-x).<field> to the metric formula where + or - equals forward or back from the current selection, x equals the number of periods forward or back, and <field> equals a valid field.

    For example, Snap(+1).ActualStart, means that you want the Actual Start field value from the snapshot one later than the current selection. Snap(-2).ActualStart means that you want the Actual Start field value from the snapshot two versions past.

    An example of a metric formula could be:

    SUM( IF( (ISNUMBER(Snap(-1).ActualStart)) * ( Snap(-1).ActualStart<> ActualStart) ,1,0) )